Wednesday, August 20, 2008

eBay Cash Secrets - How To Make Huge Sums Of Cash Without Stocking Any Inventory

eBay Cash Secrets - How To Make Huge Sums Of Cash Without Stocking Any Inventory
By Fabian Tan Platinum Quality Author

Is making huge sums of cash on eBay without stocking any inventory even possible? Yes, it is. There are two ways to make money on eBay and create a real business without ever stocking up on inventory and risk having your inventory being unsold. Here are the two ways:

1) Dropshipping

Dropshipping allows you to sell physical products without buying up on inventory and storing them in a warehouse. How dropshipping is arranged is that you find a dropshipper who ships out products on your behalf to your customers. When you receive an order, you simply email your dropshipper with the order details and they will do the rest. You profit from the difference between the wholesale price and the sales price. Generally, profits are lower with dropshipping than if you would stock your own products and ship them out on your own, but the plus side of this business model is that you do not need to do any shipping or run the risk of your inventory being left unsold.

2) Create-On-Demand Information Products

eBay once allowed the sale of digital information products, such as ebooks. Now that this is not allowed, creative information entrepreneurs have taken the products and made them physical by burning them into CD's or DVD's, or selling the audio and video versions of their product. You can use a print-on-demand service or a DVD duplication service that will create a DVD set for you whenever you receive an order and even ship it out for you.

Those are two quick and easy ways to make money on eBay without ever stockpiling inventory. Go and see how they might benefit you today.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 51-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Make Big Money Quick And Easy - How To Make A Lot Of Money Online

Make Big Money Quick And Easy - How To Make A Lot Of Money Online
By Josh Neumann Platinum Quality Author

If you want to learn how to make big money quick and easy, then there is only one way to do it: direct marketing. Very simply, without direct marketing you can never make a lot of money quickly.

Most companies do what is known as image advertising, which is simply a form of advertising where you spend a lot of money and time to get your name out there. This way takes a long time to make any money, because it includes no called action; the only way start getting customers is once you become a household name, such as Coca Cola, Nike, etc.

So what's the best to make big money quick and easily? The Internet today is probably the fastest way to make a lot of money very quickly, because it offers so much opportunity. There simply, you can quickly start making money without having your own product, website, e-mail lists, etc.

The best thing about the Internet is, you don't even need your own website to start making money; you need to start selling other people's products. With a web affiliate program, all you do is set up your affiliate link, start driving traffic to it to their sales page. Then it's up to them to your affiliate to convert that traffic and those prospects into paying customers. This is one the quickest ways to start to make big money quickly and easily, whether be online or off-line.

Of course, there are many other ways to make big money rather quickly on the Internet. Probably the next best way is through network marketing. Network marketing is a means by which you sign up and start promoting a company's product or services that they've already developed.

Again, as with affiliate marketing, you don't need to develop your own product; since they already have thrown product and sales presentation in place, your job is to simply drive prospects through the funnel and convert them into customers. Your job is simply to find the top network marketing companies that already have a lot of people successfully selling their products, and jump aboard. Therefore, these are probably the two fastest ways to start making big money quickly, because you don't even need your own product for them.

Of course, another great way to make big money is by eBay. EBay is great when a way to make a lot of money very quickly, because you just buy products to sell them put them up on an auction format.

There are a lot of great eBay selling tips on the net, and you should certainly read up on them if you want to get into this incredibly expansive field. There's simply too much information on the topic to go into here. From selling cars on eBay to pots and pans, there is a ton of money to be made on this incredible site.

While you can there are a lot of other ways to make money on the Internet, such as list building, information products, etc. these aren't as quick and an easy ways to make money is the three I just mentioned.

Member, no matter which model you decide to follow in order to make money in the Internet, the most important thing is to find somebody who's already successful making money that way and simply model their success. Hopefully these tips will it make big money quick and easy on the Internet, and get you on the fast track to financial success and freedom.

For tips on finding cheap ecommerce website hosting, visit, a popular site that teaches how to find an affordable web site hosting package and much more.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Using AdSense As a Backup and a Primary Income

Using AdSense As a Backup and a Primary Income
By Guido Nussbaum Platinum Quality Author

Every once in a while there is something that comes along which changes the rules about internet marketing. Google AdSense was one of these things and it really turned the marketing world on its head. Sure, some individuals never really touched AdSense and continued to make money hand over fist in whatever area they were working in. Others, however, loved how easy it was to put this simple code on the page and to make money from anyone that clicks on their ads. Some people were able to use it in order to enhance their income and other people are earned a very handsome income, simply from Google AdSense.

There is always a danger, however, in only having your money coming from one particular direction. What would happen if that program decided to stop working or decided it didn't need you any longer? You would be out of business as quick as it would take them to send you an e-mail and flip a switch. Believe me, I've known individuals who have had an AdSense empire and lost it all simply because Google decided it no longer needed their clicks. What can you do in this case?

It's great to make money with programs such as Google AdSense, just make sure that you aren't making all of your money from these. There are so many different ways to make Money on the Internet that is a shame to limit yourself to only one or two. Affiliate marketing with physical products, e-books, pay per lead programs and AdSense are only the tip of the iceberg. The more you dig, the more ways to make money you will find. If you have your money coming from several different sources, it will be very difficult to lose it all overnight.

That doesn't mean, however, that is not a good idea to make your primary income out of Google AdSense. As a matter of fact, it is one of the simplest ways for anybody to make money. As long as you have a little bit of sense about you as far as keyword research is concerned, you can drive a lot of traffic to a website. Once you're getting traffic, build more websites and enjoy even more traffic. Before you know it, you have an entire web empire that will all be driven by Google AdSense. Once you get to this point, however, make sure that you diversify quickly.

So, it is good to be able to use Google AdSense either as a backup income or a primary income. As long as you're good at it, you might as well milk it for all that it's worth. The money that AdSense offers is easy to come by and reliable as far as payments are concerned. Don't overlook this in your marketing efforts, just make sure that you are putting your efforts into more than one area. By doing so, you will be able to sleep better at night.

If you like to discover many more proven to work marketing strategies, then head over to the Profit Work From Home website. We show new internet marketers how to successfully work from home.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Some Ways to Make Money Online

Some Ways to Make Money Online
By Douglas Stuart

Webmasters from all over the world are constantly trying to find how they can make money online faster and faster with web sites. And then there are countless numbers of tutorials and guides all with the confessed aim to teach you the best ways to make money online.Anyone should be able to take at least one of the methods listed in this article and make money and turn out a great residual income.

Anyone who has started an online business knows there are no shortcuts to making money online. However contrary to popular opinion there are many reputable online businesses and many affiliates do quite well financially. Anyone able to read and understand this text knows English, which is an obvious first step. You can find all the help you need and want to get you past that period we all go through where we don't have a clue what we are doing.

Getting your first domain and website is your first step to turning the Internet into one of those at home jobs you keep hearing and reading about,and if your reading this you no doubt have been dreaming about! Anyone who can provide a unique service or specialised information in a niche market could set up a subscription website. By signing up new members on an annual or monthly payment plan, you could soon build up a sizeable income.

Business Opportunities Blog - I am adding this because I am a subscriber to their site and I see ideas everyday that could result in making money as a lot of the ideas pertain to online businesses. Also Anyone can create a blog and earn money online and I'm qualified to comment. Whilst I'm no internet expert, I only know a very very little about it, but I still managed to create my blog in just 20 mins.Blogging provides an opportunity for you to explore the possibility of earning something online and it doesn't required you to come out with any capital. Currently there are two free platforms available for bloggers to start without any fees or charges involved,blogger and wordpress.

Blogging in and of itself is just an extension of the trade of journalism I believe that the reason it has become so popular is that it is more closely tied into the 24/7/365 media stream. Blogger Party is a blog hosting website centered around its community, where all your blogs are displayed on the front page of the site. Ultimately they offer all of the features that many of the major blog hosts provide, except they are way cooler.Blogging can even ultimately become a full time at home job for those of you who are good at it.

Blogging is overtaking ezines and to a certain extent articles in terms of popularity.Most people are tired of having information fed to them, they would rather go online and seek out the blogs.If yours is listed near the top of the search engines, people will flock to it ! Bloggers can also earn money with online music stores that offer free music as a part of promotional program.This way you attract traffic, get more returning visitors and get paid if your visitors register with music sites.The great thing about blogs is you do not even need a specific topic to start blogging. You could quite literally write about any topic out there as long as you are a decent writer.

BloggingAds dot-com is another great pay per post site. What is different about BloggingAds dot-com, is that they actually give you the choice of writing your own post, or using one of five that they already have written, so all you have to do is copy and paste them into your blog. Blogs are informational websites that people use to share information, the basic idea here is that the sharing of free information can bring visitors to your website, and you can in turn make a profit from that traffic.

Also there are a large number of businesses that have recognised the benefits of moving their work force out of the office to home workers.You can also virtually assist other web workers as freelancers and small businesses desperately need help running their businesses, but they are not about to hire a secretary to come sit in the family room and answer phone calls. Virtual assistant is one of the most secure online jobs ( if you still want to have a boss ) but I know a number of people who work as a virtual assistants and it has been a wonderful experience for them .Web sites looking to build links also hire freelancers to write guest posts to be published on blogs and Web sites.

Website owners can enroll in several programs to enable text and image advertisements on their sites.These ads are administered by Google and generate revenue on a per-click basis.Webmasters get paid a percentage on all click throughs generated by their traffic,also there is no minimum on the amount of traffic you can send. Web based games as one niche example are a huge business these days.There are sites that are doing millions and millions of dollars in revenue from games that are played within the browser and on mobile platforms.Another webmasters solution to that is paid forum posting this will be especially easy for teens especially if the forums topic are games, life and sports.Other than this you can set your own hours, get money as soon as you complete your projects, and be your own boss.

If you are good at marketing yourself, the world wide web gives you unprecedented abilities to reach out to other people and make connections or sell your services quickly. Affiliate Networks will pay you to promote and sell products and services through the Internet. The means by which this task is carried out vary, and are as diverse as the companies listed. A paid survey is a survey that is used to determine the response and opinion about a product. The basic method for completing a paid survey is to sign up with a paid survey site.

A crucial component of any business is the support you receive. Does the program you are interested in offer you support and guidelines before, during, and after your investment? Once one idea is working you will have another to roll out right behind it as there's enough detail here that you can apply just by following it step by step.

My article is here for you to learn and apply and as long as you stop believing there are easy ways to make money online, you have the utmost chances of success in your own business. Also, once you start applying what you learn here, you will be most likely less inclined to keep buying into all the online hype and save yourself money in the process. Also I know there are more than 10 ways to make money here but I always like to over deliver!

Author : Douglas Stuart of :

Douglas Stuart is an active internet marketeer.

Who provides "Practical Advice" and "instruction"

On Internet and Affiliate Marketing.

Find out how "You" can "Quickly" expand your horizons

And achieve real "Success" on the Internet


Make Money - Uncover Top 2 Ways to Make Quick Cash Online

Make Money - Uncover Top 2 Ways to Make Quick Cash Online
By Bilal Darr

Making money online is really easy if know how. There is a range of different ways you can make money online however I'm going to go through 2 of the easiest and efficient methods.

To make money online you'll need the following 3 things:
1. A Domain name
2. A Web host
3. Website

Okay once you have a domain name and a web host then you can easily create a website. Without the latter you'll find it pretty hard to make any money at all, although there are alternative methods.

You'll want your website to stand out, to be attractive and to be original without these things it will be hard to find returning visitors.

So what's the best way to include these things into a website? You can build a website from scratch in HTML but that's not really a viable solution. I would recommend using WordPress on your website as the Content Management System. WordPress is unique, has a range of templates, you can get free plug ins to do things such as Search Engine Optimization and it has many more excellent features.

So there you have your own website setup, you just need to fill the site with excellent content as they say "Content is King". Once it is all setup, you want to monetize the website, so you can start making money. Below I will go through two of top ways you can monetize your websites traffic.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is just great, it allows you to place contextual adverts on your website. When someone clicks on these ads you get paid a small amount by Google. So if your website is getting thousands of visitors a week just by converting 5% of that to clicks you should be making a small fortune.

You can sign up for a free AdSense account from Google. They will checkout your site to see if it lives up to their standards, then they will either accept or decline your website. I haven't heard of anyone being declined so far. If they accept it they will give you a small piece of code which you can customise, add this to your website and then sit back watch the money come in.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you promote other peoples products and you get paid commissions. These commissions can be from 20% to 75% of the products value.

A great place to find affiliate program networks is Clickbank. They have over 10,000 products to choose from and a range of categories to suite every type of website. Clickbank will pay you via Check or Paypal twice a month, they are trustworthy and an honest company you can rely on them to deliver.

Go to to sign up for a free publisher account. Once you have signed up, you can choose a product from their marketplace. They will generate a link for the product you choose, every time someone uses your link and buys a product you'll get paid great commissions.

If you use the above methods which I explained you should be getting a two check by the end of the month, one from Google and one from Clickbank.

Bilal Darr is a Professional Internet Marketer and a part time computer network administrator. I'm giving away a free traffic ebook:

"How to Stop the Top 20 Web 2.0 Traffic Disasters"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now before it's too late.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Internet Marketing - Customer Acquisition Hierarchy of Value

Internet Marketing - Customer Acquisition Hierarchy of Value
By Whitney A Smith

As amazing as it may seem, the Internet and the World Wide Web as we know them today are less than 20 years old. In fact, it is now hard to imagine a world without the Internet. But, as recently as 1994 there were only 500 fairly modest Web sites worldwide. In less than 15 years, the World Wide Web has grown to more than 3 billion pages.

And there is no end in sight.

As microprocessors and software applications become cheaper and more powerful, Internet access will be available to a wider audience from a wider range of devices, and communication will become even faster and easier.

If you aren't already involved with making money on the Internet, the time is NOW to jump into e-commerce. The audience is enormous and growing. And the technology is in place to build a dynamic, energetic online business that is able to reach across the world to attract prospects and customers.

E-commerce is quick. It is easy. And it doesn't cost a fortune to get started.

The key to online profits is to build a Web site or network of Web sites that attract lots of targeted traffic along with the increased click-thus and sales that come with visitors. And now, after less than 20 years of Internet development, clear strategies for cost-effectively building your online presence have emerged.

This discipline is called online marketing. And its objective is to get as many interested people to your site as possible.

There are currently only 3 ways that a prospective client can arrive at your site:
1) He can type keywords into a search engine.
2) He can click through to your site from a link on another page or...
3) He can type in your URL.

There are proven online Web marketing techniques to help you optimize these options. But some are more efficient and cost effective than others. Here is a brief overview of the customer acquisition methods available to you, organized in a cost pyramid: cheapest cost per new customer acquired to most expensive.

Customer Referral or Tell-a-Friend
One of the cheapest and best ways you can acquire a new customer is to have one of your existing customer recommend your site to a friend or colleague. This will actually cost you nothing - except the hard work it takes to build a loyal following. That means you'll need to offer great products, fantastic customer service and good value for money.

One easy way to facilitate referrals is to include a tell-a-friend link on your Web site. There are several low-cost software applications available to add this feature to your site.
They include:

• Omnistar Tell which is available to either run on your own server for a $27 one-time fee or as a hosted solution for $7.95 a month. (see
• TAFPro, a downloadable software available in the standard version for $97 or the Advanced Technology version for $197. (see
• Viral Friend Generator available for a one-time payment of just $97 (regular price is $197). Once you own the software you can use it on multiple domains. (see

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
When someone is searching for something your site provides, he types some search words into a search engine like Google. Naturally, you want your site to come up on the first page of searches. Otherwise, the searcher will likely never arrive at your site.

In order for you to be in the top 10 listings, your site needs to be optimized for the search engine spiders that crawl the Internet and rank your pages for relevance to key search words. That means your site probably needs professional help to make sure your keywords are properly selected and coded, you have plenty of links to other pages (and they work) and your content matches your keywords.

But there are things you can do yourself. First, look at the keywords on the sites of your competitors. To do that, go to the Web site. On your toolbar, click on View, then Source. A screen will open that displays the Web site's "meta" codes. You should see Name, Content and Keywords, all followed by a list of words that describe the content of the site.

These are the search terms utilized by the search engines to drive traffic to the site.

For help in selecting keywords that are relevant to your offerings and terms people are actually using in real-life searches, go to You'll find out how often the term has been queried in the last 90 days across all search engines along with an estimate of the number of times it will be queried within the next day. WordTracker even ranks the words for effectiveness as keywords. You'll also get a list of the number of Web pages that share the search term on your target search engine.

You can subscribe to WordTracker for a year, a month or a day - but try it first for FREE!

Reciprocal Links
An inbound link campaign can be effective in driving traffic to your site. It is fairly easy to make reciprocal arrangements with sites related to your site to exchange links so that you are listed on their link page and they are listed on yours. Simply e-mail the sites you are interested in and ask them to exchange links. Lots of inbound links help with search engine ranking in addition to attracting interested parties to your site.

Online Classifieds
You can choose from either free or low-cost independent classified sites like or the classified sections of and There are also product-specific classified sites for cars, housing and pets.

Generally designed for local advertising, you will need to post classifieds on multiple sites for broad coverage. There are sites that will handle this for you including, and

Blogging and Editorial Mentions
You can build marketing "buzz" on your site by blogging and submitting articles to sites like But you should care about blogs only if your target audience uses them. If you are in the technical, political, advertising, online marketing, lifestyle and entertainment fields, blogging and getting editorial mentions in blogs might be for you.

To find a blog to post to or request a mention, go to - which claims to rank some 55 million blogs by frequency of use. Select only from the top 10% -- there isn't much point in participating on a blog that isn't seen by a large audience of people.

Social Networking
Social networks - whether business or personal - encourage participants to interact with others who share their interests. Social networking is like traditional networking only carried out online via Web sites designed specifically for this purpose.

Marketing via social networking sites is attractive to businesses because it is fast, easy and relatively inexpensive. There is fast turn-around time, and you can test quickly and easily. It is the latest craze to sweep the Internet and is often most effective when you are dealing with a younger target audience. Think, and

Opt-in e-mail, Also Called Co-Registration
Over the years, it has been proven that online marketing works best when your customers already know and trust you. Therefore, it pays to be proactive in developing a large list of prospects you can market to using a series of e-mails. You build trust be contacting your leads as many as 5-7 times to move them along in the purchasing cycle.

Early communications should offer free gifts like how-to articles and white papers. As you continue to communicate with your customers and they get to know you and feel comfortable with you and your business, you can step them up from free offers to paid offers.

Another thing to remember - when you e-mail your customer list with links in the e-mail and they click through, it boosts your ranking in the search engines.

Therefore, it is important to build a "house list or "e-list" of past and current customers along with other interested people so you can sell to those prospects via e-mail marketing. In fact, building this list is an essential component of any online marketing plan.

Once you have a list of qualified customers and interested parties, you can easily market to them on a regular basis through judicious use of no-cost/low-cost e-mails. But be sure you are sending them what they are expecting to receive.

There are many ways to collect e-mail addresses. Of course, you want to ask people who are visiting your site to register their names and e-mail address so you can follow up with them and send them news, tips and other complimentary content.

Perhaps the quickest and most cost effective way to generate an ongoing stream of relevant new e-mail addresses is through a process called Co-Registration. Unlike other e-mail collecting methods, Co-Registration won't take the months of constant work it can take to build a decent database.

You'll get all the e-mail leads you can handle within a matter of days - not harvested addresses or "cold leads" but legitimate opt-in e-mail leads that have responded to YOUR offer.

Co-Registration happens when a visitor to a Web site registers for information or a magazine subscription and then is offered additional sources of related information in a short ad that appears on the initiating Web site's "Thank You" page.

There are three basic types of Co-Reg leads: opt-out, opt-in and double opt-in.

An opt-out lead is the least costly and least desirable because the customer doesn't actually select to receive additional information. They are given a menu of ads with the boxes already checked. If they don't uncheck the boxes, their information is shared with the Co-Reg Web sites.

The opt-in customer actually checks the boxes in ad that appeal to them, making him a more qualified lead.

The double opt-in customer checks the boxes and is then sent a confirmation e-mail to which he must reply in order to be added to the list. This produces a much more qualified lead. But it is also much more expensive because of the extra steps required on the part of the provider - and the fact that many customers fail to see the process through.

Try to pick Co-Reg partners that cater to the target market that you are trying to attract so the branding is consistent. Prices can range from 20 cents to $5 a lead on the consumer side and $1 to $50 on the business side.

You can get started in Co-Registration by finding Web sites that are similar to yours, contacting them and asking them to trade Co-Registrations with your for free.

For software to make it easier to run a Co-Reg program yourself, go to If you're having trouble finding partners, try or a new directory site

To make best use of a Co-Reg program, you should have an auto-responder program in place to quickly contact your new leads with free content, premiums and other incentives. If you fail to do this, expect response rates to fall significantly.

Pay Per Click Placement (PPC)
You can pay for search engine placement through programs like Google AdWords where you bid against your competitors for keywords. This can be one of the most cost-effective ways of advertising online because your ads can be easily targeted by keyword search.

These text-only ads link a viewer's search query to an advertiser's solution. They look like classifieds and usually appear to the right of actual search results. You bid against your competitors to have your add appear when a user searches for one of your pre-selected keywords.

The PPC ad conversion rate is easy to measure. And these ads are excellent mechanisms for generating leads and making sales.

To get started, visit Google AdWords starter version at

Affiliate or Partnering Programs
This is an online referral system that offers a commission to the source of a lead. When a customer clicks through on a link or closes a sale, the originating site receives a payment. The best known of all affiliate programs - one that you are probably familiar with - is Associates. See But there are many others including, and Commission Junction -

The best way to start an affiliate program is to recruit the affiliates yourself. Search for companies that share a client base but offer complementary products. E-mail the owners an invitation to become an affiliate stressing the benefits and low risks involved.

Newsletter Sponsorship
You can purchase advertising - either text ads, graphic ads or both - in highly targeted online newsletters, giving you access to targeted mailing lists that is probably not available any other way.

If you would like to try this, find newsletters that address issues related to your Web site's niche. Then contact them for rates and specifications.

Traditional Media Support
This entails purchasing advertising to promote your website in the traditional media: radio, television, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Banner Advertising
These are linkable online display ads and are probably the most expensive method of online promotion. Banner ads work well for branding, often driving traffic to your site after running for a period of time.

The average click-through rate (CTR) of a banner ad is slightly below 1% with most banner ads producing only one third to one half as many clicks as Pay-Per-Click search marketing. This makes banner advertising the most expensive of all forms of customer acquisition exceeding even the traditional media.

You will need excellent creative to compete in the banner universe, so it will pay to hire a pro especially if you want rich media ads using Flash, video or sound. And you might need help with your media buys to place the ads.

Here are some resources for banner ad creative and placement:, and

As you can see, there are a number of low-cost ways to start driving traffic to your site: customer referral and tell-a-friend buttons, SEO, reciprocal links and Co-Registration. Begin your marketing efforts with these techniques and gradually step up the hierarchy as your efforts produce traffic and that traffic produces the results you seek. And remember to constantly test and fine-tune your ads for optimum results.

Whitney Smith is a direct response marketing consultant and copywriter who recently completed an e-book on co-registration called "Build Your e-list Fast and Easy with Co-Registration." You can learn more about the book at Find out more about Whitney and her marketing services at

My Online Income System - Halfway Through

My Online Income System - Halfway Through
By Grady Pruitt

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about My Online Income System. I wrote the article at a time when I was just getting started building an online business. Perhaps you are investigating the program trying to decide if this program is right for you. If you are, I want to give you some insight into my experiences with the program.

First of all, I love the My Online Income System program. It is easy to follow, especially for someone who is just starting out. Kimberly Hoffman, the creator of the system, has a 60 day action plan. As the title indicates, I am currently halfway through in terms of actual days since starting to follow the action plan. But in terms of where I am in the action plan, I'm a little ahead. Part of that is because I am very comfortable with the internet, so many of the things that she asks you to do I was able to do quickly. I am a fast reader, though, and I grasp most concepts fairly easily, though I might struggle to put them into practice sometimes.

In addition to the great action plan, My Online Income System has a great forum. The number of people using the forum has grown every day since I joined the forum and started following the system. Several of the people on the forum are answering questions most of the questions that are getting asked by other users. That shows they are learning from what they are doing. I also think that it shows a willingness to help others succeed.

The My Online Income System is not without its flaws. Some of the lessons are not as clear as they could be. We try to bring this to the attention of the webmasters. But most of the time, those on the forums who are past that point have been willing to share their views and what they did to overcome this. Another thing that I think could be a flaw in the program is the emphasis on a niche that is hard to crack into, especially for someone who is just starting out. On the other hand, I can see how the strategies presented might be used just as successfully, if not more so, with some slight modifications that would open it up to other niches. The owner also promises that they are working on setting things up for another niche in the near future.

Have I made money online by following the My Online Income System? Yes. It's not much, but it is a start. I kind of expected I might be a little further along, but I must admit that I did skip, or not do, parts of the plan that seemed confusing or uncomfortable for me. I might have even done some of the assignments with a different mindset than was intended by the instructions because I might not have fully understood them. I'm sure that I have made a lot of mistakes. But that would be true of any new learning venture. If I keep working at the system, I'm sure that I will get to where I want to go.

If you have checked out My Online Income System in the past and are still looking for a way, you might want to check it out again, because there have been some changes in the last two months that make it a much easier program to follow. I actually started with the system in May when some of the pieces I've mentioned were not around in the present state. The more I see of the system, the more I like it.

Want to learn more about making money online? Check out these resources at Let's Make Money From Home.

(C) Copyright -- Grady Pruitt. All Rights Reserved.

Internet Marketing Tips - the Psychology Behind Building Your List

Internet Marketing Tips - the Psychology Behind Building Your List
By Steven Wagenheim Platinum Quality Author

Too many marketers spend way too much time on the mechanics of list building without really understanding why they're building it and how to do it effectively. It is this mechanical approach that usually leads to utter disaster. Well, in this article, I'm going to share with you some of the whys and hows so you can give yourself a better chance at building a large and profitable list.

Probably the most important part of the process is understanding your target market. See, people who opt into your list are doing so for one reason only...because they believe that you're going to solve a problem that they're having. If you don't do that, they have no reason to opt in. But how do we get through to these people? How do we convince them that they MUST opt into our list?

The best way is to reach inside of the mind of the prospect. We need to understand why they're looking for a solution, which means we have to understand the problem. This is where we, as Internet marketers, are at a disadvantage, especially if we're just promoting an affiliate product to solve some problem that we ourselves don't have. I mean let's face it, if you're selling a book on how to treat asthma without knowing what it's like to have asthma, you can't really identify with the sufferer.

So how do we identify with the sufferer? There is only one way, short of having the problem ourselves. We have to go to forums and actually look and see what these sufferers are talking about. Let me tell you something, I have been to some of these health forums and the stories there could just about break your heart. There is some real suffering in the world. Understanding that suffering and being able to relate to it is the first step in gaining the trust of your prospect.

After we do that much, the rest is really easy. Simply write copy (or have a copywriter do it) that hits the hot buttons of these people. That will be the basis for your sales page. From there, you just work backwards. The opt in page will briefly explain what your free report (you do have one, right?) is going to teach them and inside the free report, you'll give them the link to your sales page. If the free report has hit all the right psychological buttons, you should have no problem making the sale.

It all begins with understanding your prospect.

And that, my friend, is the psychology behind building your list.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at

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Guru KHB di SMK Taman Desa, WP K.Lumpur sejak Jan 2010.....Bekas guru Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang, Miri, Sarawak 3/2005-12/2009 Bekas Ketua Pentaksir PBS bagi KHB KT Miri (2007 & 2008) Bekas pelajar UPM Serdang, 1998-2003... Diploma Pertanian 2000, Bacelor Pendidikan Sains Pertanian 2003 (SP/ KHB), Bekas pelajar SMK Seri Ampang, Kuala Lumpur 1993-1997.... Bekas pelajar SRK Jalan Gurney 1, Kuala Lumpur 1987-1992...